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This series of articles is intended to ignite the hearts and illumine the minds of
all who actively await the Coming One—the Divine Being known as Christ and
by other names, who is expected to appear as the World Teacher.
In these times of world transition, there is a need to expand our understanding
of the Avatar of Love:  who He is and what His mission is.  The articles in this
document reflect what members of the Spiritual Hierarchy* would like
awakened humanity to know about the Coming One.

October 2022


You Will See Things That Will Amaze You

The story of Christ has been with humanity for 2,000 years. It is the story of a human being endowed with miraculous powers to heal other human beings, including those believed to be dead, and who had the inner authority to challenge the established power structure. For those who had eyes to see, His healing ability and spiritual authority revealed that the person called Jesus of Nazareth was endowed with supernatural capacities.

So began the journey on Earth of the one who became known as Jesus the Christ, the anointed one. More remarkable than his power to heal by spiritual means was what occurred upon his crucifixion by the Roman authorities, who viewed him as a threat to their dominion. His existence unnerved them to the point where they decided to expunge Him from their realm. What they could not have anticipated was His reappearance—in spiritual form—to His disciples.

Christ’s triumph over death, as his resurrection became known, endowed humanity with the concept of being reborn in spirit. This was the impelling force behind the apostles who formed the movement that became the early church, and for the people who later heard Christ’s teachings and followed them. Those teachings—about spiritual love, peace, justice, righteousness, humility, purity of heart—continue to spread throughout the world. Yet, they did not have the impact anticipated by the Inner Government of our planet, the spiritual Hierarchy. If they had, the course of human history would have been vastly different from what it has been.

Absent from the understanding of most adherents was the true meaning of “Follow Me” —words spoken by Jesus to his apostles. There was a lack of comprehension of what it means to follow in the footsteps of a divinized human being. The requirements for self-transformation were as yet unknown to humanity. Thus, as the Gospels spread across the centuries and across the globe, they turned into teachings to be followed to improve human behavior—to rein in the baser aspects and foster ‘the better self’ of believers. In the goal of spreading the Christian teachings in ways that ordinary people could adopt, the idea of spiritual transformation was lost from sight.

To love one’s neighbor as oneself is to improve the human condition. Were that to have occurred, our world would have been completely transformed. The deeper meaning of the words “Follow me” were interpreted as having been intended mainly for Christ’s closest disciples and became subject to long centuries of misinterpretation. The key message in the teachings of Jesus was actually a radical call to transform human nature.

That message was premature for the humanity of that time and remains so for most of the race today. However, the wheels of evolution are now actively moving in this direction. To follow the pattern of Christ is to become a full-blown citizen of the New Earth. In the coming era, He will return to dwell with humanity as the World Teacher, fostering the transformation of human beings by exposing the path by which the dross of the human personality is transmuted into the golden light of the soul—the light that will illumine the new civilization.

As Christ approaches humanity for the second time, you will see things that will amaze you. The beneficence of his countenance will light the hearts of all who recognize him and are drawn to be near to him. His being will radiate the love that issues from the planetary Logos, the creator and sustainer of Earth’s life, and from the spiritual Hierarchy, known as the center of all love on our planet. He will be accompanied by Masters of Love and Wisdom and countless others in the ranks of the Hierarchy who will serve to ignite the inner fires of all who can be reached with this essential message:

A new Earth is being born. Those who can hear us will be its pioneers. Those who can see us will know the truth of our words, for this new world will draw the heart of humanity into visible manifestation by the glow of its love. Do not fear but rejoice in what will be coming forth into the light of day. Prepare to be blinded by this light and astonished by its power to heal the human heart.

* Spiritual Hierarchy. Please scroll down to the end of the document to see an explanation.

End of Article One:  You Will See Things That Amaze you


The Eldest Brother of Humanity

Many who have suffered greatly and have withstood agonizing pain know that in the aftermath of the darkest night of the soul, the light breaks through. But what is the nature of this light? It is difficult to convey in conventional language because its source lies beyond human experience. It is a current of spiritual energy that flows from one point to another, from a source to a destination. It is a stream of illumination issuing from the Realm of Souls that enters the awareness of the human Soul, the higher Self. Where there is no personality blockage, or where that blockage has been diminished as a result of profound suffering, this illumination can enter the soul.

Up until the present, this higher source of light has found relatively few entry-points into human souls. The stream has been blocked by many common personality traits that are inimical to this light. One of the principal obstacles in modern times has been a dwindling belief in the existence of the Higher World, the spiritual dimension of Earth. Where there is no belief in a higher reality, there is no concern about facing the consequences of one’s actions, and thus no constraint on the baser human instincts. This is the point to which much of the race has been descending, and the point at which humanity’s Eldest Brother must reveal himself for the salvation of the race.

To explain why, there is a need to redefine ‘salvation’ and to clarify the identity of Christ and His mission. Christ has become known to students of the Ageless Wisdom as ‘the Eldest Brother’ of humanity: the first member of the human race to arrive at the goal intended for the race by the Lord of the World, the living Being that ensouls our planet. Christ is furthest along in the scheme of evolution by which humanity is destined to become ‘the mediator’ between the greater and lesser realms of consciousness on our planet.

The figure known to Christians as the Son of God was sent into the vale of earthly suffering to reveal the path of human salvation—the path of spiritual love and light. Declaring himself beyond the rulers of the material realm, his mission was to direct human attention away from worldly powers and toward the spiritual powers governing the planet from subtler realms. His words were a call to the higher Self of the human being to awaken and to demonstrate the divine potential to heal, through love of one another and in the love of the Father of all creation.

Christ’s supernatural powers revealed that God had become involved in human affairs. Divinity was no longer solely ‘in heaven,’ but had entered human life. Christ engraved in human minds the image of what a godlike person was: someone who followed orders not from human authorities, but from the Divine; someone who lived not for himself, but for others; someone who had a vision of the Kingdom of God and the will to make it manifest. His was the vision of a kingdom of living souls who would care for one another and respond to each other’s needs, nourishing the highest in all. The Sermon on the Mount described the qualities of those who would enter the new kingdom.

This was the rabbi Jesus, who became known as the Christ, the divinely anointed one, 2,000 years ago.   Who is Christ now as he prepares to reenter the world?  In contrast to his existence in Palestine, which was documented by his apostles and by Roman and Jewish historians, what we are about to tell you has no evidentiary proofs.   It is up to you to accept or reject—in the light of your souls.

When the spirit of Christ left his form on the dense physical plane in Palestine, it did not evaporate into thin air. It had a destination on a plane of Earth’s life that has been invisible to incarnate humanity, with rare exceptions. To visualize this destination, picture a vast monastery stretching into the distance, whose luminosity draws you toward it. As you approach closer, you realize it is not made of clay but of pure white light threaded with streams of golden light.

Seated in this ‘monastery’ are figures clothed in white garb, seated in circular rows, stretching outward as far as the eye can see. In the center stands an altar, also circular, upon which sits a large bowl containing an opalescent flame. Rising above the bowl is a blazing triangle of light composed of three figures whose faces can be identified as the Masters of Wisdom of the ashrams bearing the three most prominent cosmic rays influencing humanity at this time: the Ray of Power, the Ray of Loving Wisdom, and the Ray of Order. In their center and rising above is the rose-colored flame of The Christ.

The flame of Christ’s spirit, which ascended from the crucified body, came to rest at the pinnacle of the Spiritual Hierarchy of this planet, in the fifth kingdom of Earth’s life—the subtle realm that is soon to be revealed to awakening humanity. Withstanding the torture of that body, in acquiescence to divine will, had prepared Him to preside over the constellation of enlightened Beings who would oversee the resurrection of humanity by the light of Spirit, to be recognized in the coming era when the vehicle of the soul will be more permeable to light.

The suffering of Christ occurred not only ‘for the remission of sins,’ as historically interpreted, but to provide humanity with an exemplar of the advanced stage in evolution where everything to which the personality is attached, including the physical body, is offered in service to the divine plan of evolution. Christ’s true mission was to show the way back to the Father, the Source of life on Earth. What human minds retained was his sacrificial act of obeying ‘the will of the Father,’ whereas the higher intent was to illustrate the nature of the path of return to union with Divinity, by means of self-willed transformation and transfiguration by light.

In his role as head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Christ has presided over a corps of Illumined Souls, each of whom plays a part in the unfolding plan of evolution, and all of whom have been prepared to serve in this pivotal moment for humanity and our planet. He leads through emissions of thought-energy, interpreted by the Masters closest to him and spread telepathically through the rows of white-clad Beings in the great lighted ‘monastery.’

Christ ascended to this role as the first member of the human race to achieve the recognized status of Divinity, and the first to have endured the wrath of humanity for his embodiment of this status—so alien was it to the race at that time. When He returns visibly to Earth, He will be entering a community of souls who will have begun to ascend the arc of evolution, and whose pioneers will have gained enough light of understanding to welcome what He brings to humankind at this time.

End of Article 2:  The Eldest Brother of Humanity


The True Mission of Christ

Through the ages, the true identity of Christ has been inscrutable to humanity, particularly so in the post-modern material age. Now, as we enter the Aquarian Age, it is important to reduce the mystery surrounding this Being and diminish the perceived distance between humanity and its Eldest Brother. For human beings to cooperate in the elevation of planetary consciousness, there must be a common base of understanding.

The Being you recognize as Christ is more highly evolved than the rest of Earth’s humanity. His consciousness advanced through sojourns on different planets in our solar system, including Earth, before his birth in Palestine. He did not appear ‘out of nowhere,’ as many would believe, and was not only a biological descendant of a Jewish lineage. He was marshalled into service by the planetary Logos, the Being who ensouls the Earth, to meet an evolutionary need.

Christ understood the humanity of the time, drawing on a deep well of experience from previous incarnations, and acclimatizing himself to the life of the people and place of his biological birth as Jesus of Nazareth. He bonded with the souls of his disciples and the many acolytes drawn to him for healing and learning. It was for Him a cycle of service to the planetary Lord and the spiritual Hierarchy. His mission inaugurated a prolonged effort to evoke the higher nature of human beings in the goal of transforming Earth into a positive force in the progressive evolution of the planetary Lives comprising the greater body of the solar Logos, the life-giving Presence ensouling our solar system.

The mandate of Christ was to advance the evolution of humanity through the embodiment of spiritual love. His status within the life of the planet was unique in that regard. Whereas His Brother, the Buddha, appeared on Earth to bring the light of higher awareness to humanity, it was the mission of Christ to embody the love that would engender the opening of the human heart, allowing the higher light to be absorbed.

He appeared on Earth to forge the path of return for humanity to its Divine Source and to exemplify the outcome of this path. It is a path that begins when the heart opens to receive the love of Divinity and when, in the downpouring of this love, the light of higher truth can be received. Until this critical opening occurs, the essential truth about human existence cannot be grasped. To be able to acknowledge that one is reaping the fruits of previous lifetimes, even in the face of debilitating suffering, requires a realization of the Love of God.

This revelation has been part of the mission of Christ from the time he healed the blind man and people asked who had sinned: the man himself or his parents. It will be a core component of his mission upon returning as the World Teacher. In this role, he will educate seekers of truth about the laws of cause and effect—the divine laws that rightly adjust the behavior of human beings over time. In the absence of a climate of love, such learning would not be possible. People would recoil from these truths without the protective mantle of a loving Elder. Christ will provide this mantle by the love radiating through him.

Some may have already deduced that Venus was one of the planetary Lives in which the one who incarnated as Jesus had sojourned. In that experience, his soul was immersed in and imprinted by a steady flow of divine love. It is known to esoteric students that Venus is to Earth what the human soul is to the personality: the divine essence, ripened over eons to a higher stage of consciousness—the higher Self that stands ready and waiting for the opening to infuse the lesser consciousness with itself.

The mission of the Coming One will be to narrow the gap between the divine human soul and its persona through the diffusion of spiritual love and light. Toward this end, the steady stream of disasters besieging humanity have played an important part. By breaking up crystallized patterns of behavior and thought, they have opened minds and hearts to higher realities. Into this opening, Christ’s Ashram, the planetary Hierarchy, has been pouring forth love. Into the human heart tenderized by misery, teachings of higher Truth will be heard clearly for the first time in the evolution of the race.

End of Article 3:  The True Mission of Christ


Resurrecting the Capacity to Love

In the time of Christ’s sojourn in Palestine, people had little concept of a world outside of their own. Their world consisted largely of the land on which they lived and the places to which they could travel by foot or by donkey, along with knowledge gleaned from passing traders about other peoples and cultures, and information from occupying Roman authorities. The Jews of the time were a fairly homogeneous people and the temple in Jerusalem, the seat of religious governance, established the laws and rituals that shaped daily Jewish life.

Jesus of Nazareth was viewed as a rabbi by most and a prophet by some. When he announced that he was not going to follow the conventional practices of the time, it came as a shock to the people and the authorities, both Jewish and Roman. His declared intention to establish self-rule under the guidance of God the Father, who had sent him to awaken his people to higher Truth, was judged an act of heresy that warranted death by crucifixion.

Beyond rejecting the prescribed teachings and rules for living of the Pharisees and Sadducees, the primary offense of Jesus in their eyes was his gaining of adherents through healings widely viewed as miraculous. The fact that his divinity was being recognized by people throughout Judea and Samaria was a growing threat to the cadre of religious leaders. The living Spirit flowing through him exposed the hypocrisy of religious men who recited ancient prayers and teachings they did not live by, and who were complicit with the brutal authority established by Rome.

Parallels can easily be drawn between life in ancient Palestine and the present. Two thousand years ago, the conflict that raged among the people was viewed as a religious struggle but was, in fact, a political rivalry among Jewish sects and between those who held power and those who, weary of the yoke of cruel, authoritarian forces, anxiously awaited a messiah. The major dispute among Jews of the time was whether Jesus came as the Messiah, in fulfillment of prophecy, heralded in the visions of Old Testament prophets, or whether he was an ambitious rabbi who sought to replace the religious establishment.

In today’s world, religious battles and political conflicts are intermingling and intensifying. Yet there is also a growing realization of the cruelty and perfidy of the ruling classes and established authorities. What is different now is the growing awareness that there is one human race dwelling on a small planet where common behaviors have shaped the human condition. Facts about global realities are readily known and people now have the capacity to think and draw their own conclusions. Many are realizing how manmade laws have penalized the vast majority of the human race while serving those at the top of the financial pyramid.

This recognition has been spreading across the globe. People everywhere are rising up against the injustices of authoritarian rule. Even citizens of countries who would prefer autocratic rulers are searching to change the present order. Governors have yielded little of benefit to their citizens, while enjoying fantastic wealth earned not by them but by the labors of the governed—wealth that rivals that of the ancient pharaohs whose fortunes were made on the backs of slaves. Monied interests have come to rule the world and enslave the people.

What has been lost under rule of money is love. The absence of love is destroying generations and entire populations, starting at the level of family. The capacity of parents to nurture their children has been diminished by the pressures of having to make a living in a harshly material civilization. Untold millions of souls are forced to choose whether to heat their homes or feed their families, whether to raise their own children or allow them to be raised by strangers, sitting in front of soulless screens that numb their minds and hearts. Families are breaking up and younger generations are ending their own lives. Societies have been sickened from within by growing demands for money and dwindling capacities for love.

Christ is returning to Earth to resurrect the capacity to love and to awaken an adjunct to love—the power to discern truth. It is his mandate to expose the wounds of the human heart and work to heal them by fostering a recognition of spiritual truth. The word ‘radiance’ is a weak substitute for the glory of God that will be reflected through him and through the ranks of those who will accompany him. They will emanate the love and wisdom of the spiritual realm unobstructedly, tilling the soil for the birth of the new world of the Aquarian Age when Christ will begin his mission as World Teacher.

End Article 4:  Resurrecting the Capacity to Love


Love that Resets the Course of Life

To experience the love of Christ is to know the state of oneness described by the word ‘inseparability.’ The quality of this all-embracing love is at the core of myriad accounts of souls who have described the Christ they encounter in near-death experiences. Similarly, it is the experience of souls who have tapped into the love of the true Self, the Christ within. Their testimony affirms that it is possible to know the divine love inherent in the sense of inseparability here and now, while clothed in bodies of flesh and blood. This state of consciousness utterly transcends the separative awareness of the human personality.

When Christ returns to dwell among humanity on the etheric-physical plane, His true nature will be visible. The subtle world of light, dimly sensed by physicists and esotericists, will be seen with the etheric eye. What will be seen is akin to what is perceived in the ‘heaven’ encountered by people whose physical organs are pronounced dead for a brief time. Radiations of light imbued with love will pour profusely into the atmosphere, pervading the lives of all who are awakening to the higher reality. The most powerful radiations, those that will arouse sensitive souls like an intoxicating perfume, will flow from the Being recognized as Christ.

It is not easy to formulate words to convey the effect of moving streams of light on the etheric plane, where waves of energy of different colors, hues, intensities, rhythms, vibrations, and frequencies flow into myriad forms, shapes, and directions. The words available to us are mere approximations to arouse the faculty of imagination within you, for you have seen virtually nothing like it on the plane of physical density. The Northern and Southern Lights offer a hint of what will be the background to life in the future.

To convey the impact of Christ’s light, imagine the sensation of taking a warm bath or swimming in a warm body of water—the feeling of being immersed in a pool of warmth that soothes body and soul. Or envision the feeling of the sun’s warmth on a bitter, cold day. As you visualize these physical sensations, add to the image a moment in your life when you experienced pure love, when you felt loved for who you are—not for what you could do or give to another person, but for your essential being. If you were to merge these sources of warmth and allow them to saturate your entire being, you would sense the effect of the presence of Christ in the coming age.

The new age will not be the ‘heaven’ described by human beings whose vital signs are briefly interrupted and who enter a realm where the omnipresence of divine love overwhelms thoughts and concerns about earthly life. That is not what awaits evolving humanity on the etheric physical plane of Earth. Many of those who access ‘the heavenly realm’ upon physical death report the experience of being in a sea of love while undergoing a life review. This review exposes mistakes that were made and how to rectify them when the soul returns to its physical form, in order to adjust the karmic ledger. The experience of evolving humanity in the future will be different.

As the life wave of Earth ascends to the etheric plane, human awareness will continue to slowly evolve until the time when the light of Christ consciousness dawns within the soul. Then the hard work of spiritual growth begins. Christ and his Ashram will be present as teachers and guides, accessible to all who seek the light of Truth and who can bear the intensity of this light. It will be challenging to endure, even for those with a degree of soul awareness. This light will be blinding and many will be forced to turn away for a time. The path ahead will be steep for those who choose to grow and serve the evolution of humanity, in cooperation with the spiritual Hierarchy.

Human lives will in many ways remain the same on the subtler, etheric plane. The principal difference will be the lack of a dense physical body, a state of being that will accelerate the flow of evolution. The nature of the etheric light body will allow for easier absorption of the light of truth and understanding. At the same time, it will expose internal wounds and scars from eons of living at the separative stage of human consciousness—wounds that are the wellsprings of conflict and violence. The emotional body will be exposed as the seedbed of human misery, while the transparency of etheric chakras will reveal where troubles lie.

Those who can withstand the intensity of light emanating from the World Teacher will rapidly advance from emotional to mental polarization, the state of consciousness where the force of will can be tapped for the greater good. To overcome destructive emotional patterns etched into the soul over lifetimes requires a grasp of the means and methods of spiritual growth. This, the Christ will teach, not only in the accepted meaning of that word; He will baptize suffering souls with His love. Those who desire to transform themselves will be immersed in a field of love powerful enough to reset the course of life. The innate love of the soul will be magnified many times in the presence of the avatar of Divine Love and his closest companions.

End Article 5:  Love that Resets the Course of Life


The Necessity of Christ

The goal of planetary evolution for the Aquarian age is the unfoldment of soul consciousness, a capacity that transcends the faculties of mind and requires the faculties of heart. The human mind has brought about phenomenal advances for much of the world’s populations, but in isolation from the love innate to the soul, it has also brought about massive destruction to life on Earth.

Tracing the evolution of the mental body over the course of millions of years, one will realize awe-inspiring developments. From embryonic traces of mind, only slightly more advanced than the highest animals at the time when the species originated, human beings have arrived at the development of mental capacities that generate artificial intelligence to replace many modes of human intelligence.

Tracing the progress of human behavior over the same immense cycles of time, however, reveals how few bright spots there are in the history of the race beyond periodic high points of culture and civilization. With every increase in mental prowess, there have been proportionate advances in methods of war and destruction. Every advance of the evolving mind has been directed to nefarious purposes, with wide swathes of the human population turned into killing machines. At the time of this writing, world leaders are preparing for the likelihood of nuclear warfare and the possible annihilation of entire peoples and nations.

We write this not to alarm, but to prepare you for the necessity of Christ’s return. It is important for readers to understand that the second appearance of Christ on Earth is not merely the fulfillment of a religious prophecy—the thought-form of a returning messianic figure shared by peoples around the world. It is an absolute necessity for human survival. Without the appearance of a divine embodiment, the instinct to kill that remains alive in the human psyche would doom the race to obliteration.

It is important to point out that Christ is known by different names in diverse cultures and religions. Virtually every world religion has a tradition of expectancy of a divine incarnation at a time when all hope seems lost, when chaos and lawlessness reign, when the human species reaches its lowest ebb and, in desperation, calls for help from Higher Realms.

What is different about the returning Christ is the purpose of his mission. As an avatar of love in his previous incarnation, he embodied the divine capacity to embrace all human beings, regardless of their religious background or ethnic origin, and regardless of their transgressions. His love radiated beyond all human boundaries and borders. When he returns to outer manifestation, this universal, all-embracing love will become the foundation upon which He and Those who accompany him will teach humanity how to rise above the baser instincts that have threatened to destroy all of life.

It will be realized that these baser instincts, particularly those that result in conflict and war, have their roots in fear. The primal fear of human beings is physical death—the extinguishment of a sense of self. Christ will establish through his living presence that death as conceived by humanity is non-existent; it is a doorway to a subtler world where the light of truth illumines all things in the light of love. He will also reveal the power of divine love to mitigate a second category of human fear: abandonment, betrayal, and isolation. The pain of separation has been the breeding ground of anger and violence since the origins of the human species.

The coming World Teacher will illumine the underlying causes of the condition of separation and expose the means to triumph over it. Esoteric truths about reality will be made exoteric. It will become known, for example, that a human life represents one incarnation of a soul that has had many incarnations on its long journey toward the Light of Truth—a journey that culminates in the cessation of endless lifetimes of struggle. In this light, which the soul confers upon the mind, the seeker discovers how to withdraw from perpetual cycles of suffering and become a bestower of light and love to humanity. All these things will be taught by Christ for the creation of a new civilization in the new Earth for the benefit of all living beings.

Article 6:  The Necessity of Christ


The Teacher of All

To become a Master of Wisdom is to have outgrown the trials and tribulations of the human condition and to have entered a realm of awareness that defies present human comprehension. One of its characteristics is the ‘peace that passes understanding’—the state of perfect peace achieved through alignment with divine purpose. Undisturbed by happenings in the external world, members of the spiritual Hierarchy, Masters of Wisdom, formulate the plan of evolution for Earth and guide its unfoldment. Overseeing the work of this spiritual body is the Christ, the head of the Hierarchy, who is soon to leave this relatively peaceful enclave to return to a dimension of Earth’s life of a lower vibrational frequency.

One of the requirements for acceptance into this hierarchy of light is the willingness to assume responsibility for the life that is our planet. In the life of a human being, a preparatory experience is assuming responsibility for oneself and one’s family, in a spirit of harmlessness, plus dedication to the common good as demonstrated through service to others. When the consciousness of the soul transcends the limitations of the human condition, a door opens to the spiritual realm. Upon entry into this realm, a vista of grand dimensions appears that becomes the new ground of shared responsibility.

The work of the spiritual Hierarchy is characterized by boundarylessness. Earth is perceived as a single organism; humankind is recognized as a single race. In the vastness of space where Earth revolves within the Sun’s system, an order of cosmic scale is perceived. The seemingly unchanging nature of this order is visible in the regularly recurring movements of the planets. However, known to the enlightened Beings who oversee planetary evolution, is that which does change over time: the consciousness that ensouls all forms—be they planetary lives, such as Earth, or species of life, such as the human.

From ancient times, the spiritual Hierarchy has had responsibility for expanding the consciousness of human beings so that they may, in the ripeness of time, play their destined role in Earth’s evolution. At this momentous turning-point, Their work has taken on vastly heightened importance. The shift into the coming era depends upon the awakening of humanity to its spiritual potential.

The Hierarchy’s progress with humanity slowed considerably after the sinking of Atlantis, which occurred through human destructiveness. The spiritual guides of the race withdrew from the outer plane for an extended period of time, until the epoch of the Great Ones that began several thousand years ago. One after another, individual members of the Inner Ashram, whose luminosity sparked the forward strides of humanity, appeared on Earth. Their spiritual teachings gave rise to world religions; their philosophical explorations laid bare the higher potentials of the human being. Each in their own distinctive way issued a call for the race to develop these greater potentials.

Among these Great Ones, the mission of Christ was unique. He came into outer manifestation to elevate the human spirit by his living example. Unlike his predecessors who gave rise to other faiths, he came not to teach laws or precepts primarily, but to live among the people and demonstrate through his humanness the innate potential of the race to reach a higher stage of awareness. To his disciples, he illustrated what was possible to achieve in their own time.

Since the time of the resurrection, Christ has served as the head of the spiritual Hierarchy, under the guidance of the planetary logos or God of our Earth. In this role, he assumed the mantle of responsibility, along with Masters of Wisdom, for guiding the evolution of the 4th kingdom in nature, the human, to the point where it can cooperate with the 5th, the spiritual. This is the core of the divine Plan for the coming age. It has long been foreseen that over time, humanity will fulfill its destined role as mediator in the life of Earth, aligning the consciousness of the lesser kingdoms with the higher ones, and with the will of the Lord of our World.

In the last century, it was deemed by the planetary Logos and members of His inner council that sufficient progress had been made by an advanced corps of human beings to enable Christ to usefully return to the denser planes of life and establish his new mission. He would not only embody the divinity of the human soul—for the many to observe and the few to emulate—he would also instruct awakening humanity on the methods and means for achieving this higher stage of consciousness.

He would become the teacher of all who yearn to know how to transcend the conditions of tribalism, treachery, ruthlessness, debauchery, life-destroying selfishness and greed—all the distortions and delusions of the lower human self that have thwarted the expression of the True Self across the ages and up to the present time. He would begin this Great Work at the culmination of the Piscean Age, when all seemed lost for humanity, when a shroud of darkness hovered over the future, and when, in the antechamber to the Aquarian Age, the Light of Truth could find an avenue into human minds and hearts.

Article 7:  The Teacher of All


The Whole World Waits

The last article of this series is intended to offer readers a sense of what will follow upon Christ’s second appearance. As has been foretold in recent writings from the Hierarchy, Christ will make two ‘footfalls’ when he reappears. The first will take place on the dense physical earth, where he will be seen briefly through the physical eyes of humanity. The second will take place on the other side of the veil that now separates the dense physical from the etheric-physical plane. There he will dwell with humanity and resume his teaching mission for the evolution of the race and the planet.

On the first occasion, he will appear in a guise recognizable to most of the race as the son of God or as a divine emissary who is returning for the fulfillment of prophecy. On the second occasion, when he returns to usher in ‘a millennium of peace,’ he will take a form more suitable for that vocation, which will unfold on a subtler plane of Earth. His first appearance will coincide with a lowering of the volume of turbulence on the outer planes, when humanity perceives its powerlessness to control the violence it has unleashed, and a sense of resignation to its fate begins to take hold. In that moment, it will be possible to hear the words of the One who brings tidings of the New World.

He will come not alone, but with a large body of brethren from within the Fifth Kingdom of planetary life, who have long been preparing for this day. He comes not of his own volition but to fulfill the evolutionary purpose of the planetary Lord, the cosmic Being Who presides over the evolution of Earth, and in response to the cry of humanity. He comes as a warrior for peace through justice, as a living sword of truth, as a deliverer of freedom from material bondage, and a flame to reignite the love of the human heart.

Although he will not stand alone, his charge is a perilous one. He will be thrust headlong into the prevailing forces of darkness that will stampede against him in an attempt to extinguish his light. Its powerful blaze will threaten the global stronghold they have erected in suppression of the will of the people. Ultimately, his light will blind them, and many will die on their own swords. But they will not go quietly or gently, realizing they cannot survive in the presence of Deity.

We tell you these things to prepare you to rise above the great battle to come and stand steady in the soul’s light. This battle has been underway for some time but the conflict is now reaching a pitch at which a wider conflagration becomes inevitable. Humanity is anticipating this, whether consciously or not. Those who have the courage to view the unfolding scenario with open eyes may hope for a limited war, after which life will go on as it always has. But those who see with the light of the soul will realize that a new day is dawning when the Forces of Light will take hold and release ‘the prisoners of the planet’ into a realm whose essence is light.

Christ will lead the forces that have been massing on Our side of the veil, and they will attract the forces of light within the human race by the magnetic power of their love. The blending of human and spiritual energies at this moment of urgency will constitute the pivot-point in the Great Turning of the Ages and will be the harbinger of the age to come. All who recognize the One for whom the whole world waits and are ready to stand with him as the battle rages will find themselves on the threshold of the new world, encountering the state of peace that passes understanding. In the presence of Embodied Love, light will extinguish darkness and fear will rule no more.

The new dawn is about to break.

Know these things to be true and live these days in the light of this Truth, and in anticipation of the all-pervading love of the Coming One.

Article 7:  The Teacher of All

*  Spiritual Hierarchy.  Throughout the Cosmos, hierarchies exist on all dimensions and in all spheres of consciousness—from the highest to the lowest.  What determines their place in the cosmic scheme of evolution is the consciousness that defines them. Human hierarchies have been largely governed by selfishness and greed. The spiritual hierarchy of our planet is governed by divine wisdom and love. Members of this realm—the 5th kingdom in nature, the Kingdom of Souls—are fully enlightened Beings who have achieved mastery over the human condition and have assumed responsibility for the evolution of planetary life.
      Imagine a ladder in the form of a pyramid, with each ascending rung representing a higher stage in the evolution of consciousness. Advancement on this spiritual ladder is attained through growing accumulations of wisdom, love, and acceptance of responsibility for working out the divine plan of evolution. The current focus of this Plan is humanity’s spiritual awakening and receptivity to an influx of higher light. As evolution proceeds, illumination flowing from the spiritual hierarchy will transform human consciousness and all of life on Earth.

End of Article 8:  The Whole World Waits...  OM...Sanskrit word or sound representing the Essence of Absolute Consciousneess

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